Thanks to the Toastmasters who braved the snowstorm to come out to join us! We had a small quality meeting focusing on “How to be Top Dog at Table Topics” (aka, how to win the upcoming contest!), which allowed everyone to do a table topic and get a round-robin evaluation. If you’re interested in knowing what you missed, email us and I will send out what was covered!
Before our THINK FAST! Session though, we had David Galipeau present his speech “Limited to Limitless, a Journey in the Realm of the Infinite,” in preparation for his club’s International Speech Contest. David, hope our 3-part in-depth evaluation helped you to hone your speech!
Our General Evaluator, Epitace Nobera, summed up our meeting perfectly … “I learnt a lot.”
Most Enthusiastic went to … we decided not to vote since ALL of us are TOP DOGS!
Good luck to all in your upcoming contests!