The fun thing about our club is that you never know what to expect … Though we have a defined structure and vision, we colour our meetings with lots of vibrancy and creativity, sometimes colouring within the lines, and sometimes … not. We are an advanced Toastmasters Group and we do what our members need. We are Beyond Words.
To help a few of our members prep for upcoming contests, we held another contest-style meeting, though this time more along the lines of a regular meeting.
Roberto Di Bennedetto did a formidable job as Toastmaster, addressing stage fright and how Darren Tay, 2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, deals with it:

Roberto Di Benedetto, Toastmaster, delivering his message passionately!
David Galipeau then presented his very humorous speech “Toastmasters, a Memorable Experience.” Best laugh of the meeting was when he told us about his club serving “dollar store cookies” instead of lobster and caviar for his club’s 5th anniversary (Extra-Expressif in Trois-Rivières).

David Galipeau, “Toastmasters, a Memorable Experience”
I was General Evaluator and led an informative Coaching session that had four contest-style evaluators:
- Marie-Chantal Côté
- Gaétane Ferland
- Giridhar Raghunathan
- Sapandeep Randhawa
David and all the evaluators received round-robin evaluations.
Michèle Ducharme, Division H Director, who was our distinguished visitor, contributed to our meeting as Advanced Timer … first foray into an advanced club, woohoo!
Most Enthusiastic went to David Galipeau.
Kudos to an amazing Toastmasters family, kudos to an amazing meeting. Can’t wait ’til the next one!