Meeting #005 was a speech bonanza! What fun, it was our own “Festival Just for Laughs!” with an amazingly diverse *United Nations* audience. I love how inclusive Toastmasters is!
A little something about our club …
In-depth speech evaluations are the signature of an advanced Toastmasters club. Each speaker has two speech evaluators, content and delivery, and also a round-robin, where all attendees can give their comments. As well, at Beyond Words, a speaker must meet his speech objectives to obtain credit for his speech project. The evaluators decide!
Our wonderful speakers were:
- David Galipeau – CC10 – “Change Your Life” … woohoo, he completed his CC, and then he joined our club the same day!
- Ganesh Santhar – Humorously Speaking #1 – “Socially Challenged”
- Sarah Lerner – Humorously Speaking #2 – “A Day in the Life of Stewey”
- Alireza Azizkhani – Humorously Speaking #2 – “Change Your Words, Change Your World”
All but Alireza met their speech objectives, but he’ll continue working on this speech to attain the project objectives or as a contest speech.
Most Enthusiastic went to Alireza!
Here’s our meeting in pics, what awesome Toastmasters:

Majeda Haidar, Toastmaster

David Galipeau, “Change Your Life” – Congrats on finishing your CC!

Ganesh Santhar, “Socially Challenged”, with Juan Manuel Gonzalez Galindo, his Delivery Evaluator, watching intently

A short THINK FAST! session with Artem Ploujnikov, Topicsmaster … bang that gavel! 🙂

Myriam Azzi, Delivery Evaluator for David Galipeau

A captive audience !!

Shaheen Junaid, Delivery Evaluator for Sarah Lerner

Most Enthusiastic, Alireza Azizkhani (sorry for the fuzzy pic)

Artem Plouinikov (Topicsmaster), Majeda Haidar (Toastmaster), Bonnie Mak (Chairperson) & Davender Gupta (General Evaluator)

What a fantastic group of Toastmasters! Thanks RoseLyn for taking the pic, and thank you everyone for making this such a FUN meeting, see you again soon!
Thank you for a FUN meeting Mme. Chair. It was a wonderful experience although it is FAR for me to come, I shall certainly try again.
Go “Beyond Words” Toastmasters…. You ROCK
Always wonderful to have you as our guest … hope to see you again soon!